Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is 2,200 years old.
Chinese doctors have used the techniques laid down by their ancestors to balance the body’s energies and diagnose medical issues.
It is still used today, and there is a lot of belief that balancing the fiber elements will bring you peace, harmony, and well-being. One of those five elements, the metal element, is essential to maintaining a healthy respiratory system.
Read on to learn more about the metal element in TCM and how balancing your chi can help you.
What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), five elements are considered of great importance: Earth, Fire, Wood, Water, and Metal. Each element has a corresponding organ that affects how we feel and what diseases we may experience.
An imbalance in the body chi, or body’s energy, will disrupt the flow of your natural energies and cause problems. You may find those specific organs you are more attuned to and experience issues more frequently if your chi becomes blocked.
You can unblock your chi through acupuncture, allowing the flow of energies to pass through a blockage. Acupuncture meridians are used to map the body and let the energy flow.
The Metal Element
In Eastern philosophy, the metal element is that which governs the lungs. It is also associated with the large intestine. If you have an imbalance or a metal shortage, you may find that these organs experience disorder more than others in your body.
Metal can be soft and malleable but also become hard when imbalanced. Someone who has an imbalance of metal may seem distant or indifferent to the feelings of others.
A metal imbalance may also manifest in the throat and nose. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, if you regularly catch colds or have sore throats, you may have an imbalance in your metal chi.
Metal And Grief
The metal element is closely associated with the emotion of grief. If you have an imbalance, it may be caused by a build-up of unresolved grief in your body. Speak to someone, perhaps a therapist, to help release these negative energies and let your grief go.
Once you have dealt with any unresolved issues that were causing you to grieve, you can work on balancing your chi and metal energies through acupuncture and massage.
Balancing The Metal Element
You can balance the metal element through two key acupressure points in the body. You can stimulate these points either through massage or acupuncture.
The first is known as the Great Abyss or Tai Yaun and sits just left of your radial artery in your wrist. This point is associated strongly with the lungs, and massage may help reduce phlegm build-up in the body.
The other key point is the Sea of Qi, or Qi Hai found in the body’s center. You can stimulate it with two fingers rubbed with moderate pressure just below the belly button. Do not try this if you are currently pregnant.
Stimulating your chi can help relieve symptoms caused by a chi blockage in the metal element. Speak with a professional TCM specialist to find out more.
Your Metal Chi And You
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, balancing all of your elements is essential to harmony and well-being within the body. You need to find a way to keep all of your chi flowing evenly to experience true health and happiness.
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