Everyone throws a party for their friends and loved ones but only a few of them take care of others’ health. Most of the time, we have to be extra careful in an attempt to keep our diet under control when we are invited as guests and since we know the struggle, we don’t want our guests to go through the same. Here are some tremendous tips that can help you serve your guests with super healthy food.
Keep a balanced blend of veggies and meat:
It is a misconception that we can party with only pork and red meat. Vegetables are as important as any other item to be on the table. Vegetables are rich in various nutrients and they are also very light to the stomach. No doubt, meat is also healthy and the biggest source of protein but you cannot make each and every recipe with meat as it can have detrimental effects on the health of guests especially if they have some cardiovascular diseases
Choose healthy dips:
We know that our party menu is incomplete without dips. Some of us are so much in love with dips and sauces that we try numerous types of sauces. Some of them are made with unhealthy ingredients such as mayonnaise, sugar, and whatnot. Dips have no role in fulfilling us and getting calories from them is an unnecessary thing. Go for a healthy dip such as low-fat yogurt with chili flakes sauce
Add alcohol-free beverages:
Pairing the meal with the beverage is the primary part of the party. Most of the guests cannot enjoy their food unless they have a wine or a cocktail with it. When it is obvious that beverage selection is essential, you should go with alcohol-free drinks. Alcohol can have devastating effects on the health of everyone present at the party. Therefore, try to combine the meal with distilled spirits. Having Summer mocktails at Banks Botanicals is another amazing idea to enjoy your summer parties in a healthy way
Choose baking over frying:
Many dishes can be prepared both with baking and frying such as chicken wings. Baked food is as tasty as a fried meal but with less calories. When you care for the health of every invitee, you will never fill their plate with oily and salty food
Make your guests eat slowly:
If you eat slowly, you reach the satisfaction level quickly. To make your visitors eat less, you can start various fun activities while they have their meal such as dance. However, make sure that you don’t disturb them a lot.
Make them eat in smaller portions:
You are a host and controller of the party. You can control your guests and save them from overeating. Make them eat in small portions by dividing the eating session into various parts so that smaller portions of a meal can be devoured at different times.