Did you know that the average person will spend about 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime in the United States?
This is a lot of time that people have to spend in an office, which is why you should always do your best to make it comfortable.
If you want to create a welcoming and calming office, you will need to consider the type of equipment you get.
Continue reading to discover common office equipment shopping mistakes so that you can save money and improve the office!
1. Forgetting about Comfort
One of the biggest office equipment shopping mistakes that people make is forgetting about comfort.
Buying furniture in large orders and online can make it hard to know how comfortable they are. If you want the office to be a pleasant place where people aren’t getting backache when they sit down, you need to think about comfort.
Thinking about ergonomics can improve employee satisfaction and work production. When staff is comfortable in their chairs at the desk, they can produce better work and not have to worry about being in pain.
Another reason to consider comfort when buying furniture is that you don’t want vendors and consumers to be uncomfortable.
2. Buying Material That’s Difficult to Clean
Getting new office equipment is exciting because it works with no issues and is clean.
A mistake that many people make when buying the equipment, however, is when they don’t think about the material. When buying office equipment, like furniture, always consider the type of material used.
If the material is fabric, you might want to try and find another option. Fabrics can be difficult to clean and show stains easily. You also want to avoid fabrics because they can get worn and torn over time.
Leather, microfiber, and vinyl are the easiest furniture materials to clean. If you want a more luxurious look, you could even consider getting velvet. Having easy to clean furniture is important if you want the equipment to last and look as new as the day you bought it.
3. Not Taking Measurements
When you go to look at equipment for offices, whether it is furniture or printing machines, you must take measurements.
Taking measurements ahead of time can save you a lot of trouble. Many people forget to take measurements before they head to the store or go shopping online. You should take measurements of the same items and areas at least twice to ensure that you have the right numbers.
Write down the dimensions of the equipment that you need to help make your search easier. Skipping this step can lead to you buying an item that is too big or small for your needs.
4. Buying the Cheapest Options
It’s always good to look for a great deal or promotion, but you should avoid buying the cheapest items for your office.
Most of the time, the cheapest options have the shortest lifespan and aren’t as durable as other options. If you want to get quality products for the office, try to find items at a reasonable price. You don’t need to go with the most expensive options, but the cheaper ones are most important to avoid.
Since you will likely be buying multiples of the same equipment, talk to the vendor or store to see if you can get a discount. There are many ways to cut back on prices without going over your budget.
5. Only Looking at Stores
Did you know that buying office copiers online can save you money and give you access to more options?
Limiting yourself to the office supply and furniture stores in your town can make it difficult to find items. When you look for equipment online, you can customize your searches to find exactly what you need. Since there are so many vendors selling online, you will be able to find the most competitive prices for the worth of the equipment.
If you are having trouble deciding on an item, however, and know that it is in the store, you might want to take a trip. Heading to the store can be beneficial when deciding if you want to see the item in person.
6. Selecting Any Color
Many stores and websites sell furniture and office supplies at discounted rates for certain colors.
Although it can be great to find a deal, you should consider the colors of your office equipment. Not thinking about this can make your office decor and equipment clash. Having a lot of colors can be distracting and inappropriate in certain scenarios.
Try to find equipment and furniture in neutral colors like white, black, and gray. These colors will blend in well with the office and won’t look tacky with other things in the room.
7. Passing a Talk with a Professional
No matter what you need to buy for the office, you should always talk to a sales associate.
Speaking with someone that knows about the equipment can help you make a more informed choice for your purchase. If you are going into the store for your shopping, allow extra time so that you can get more information from the employees.
It can also be helpful to call the sales department of the companies that you are considering buying from. The company will be able to share details about the products with you and all of the options that you might not have been made aware of.
Avoid These Office Equipment Shopping Mistakes
There are a couple of office equipment shopping mistakes that you should watch out for.
Looking for neutral colors and comfortable furniture can make your office a more inviting environment. Since you and your staff spend so much time in the office, you should get equipment that is durable and reliable.
Don’t forget to give yourself an office equipment budget so that you don’t spend more than you are prepared for.
Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about office equipment brands and improving your workspace!